Define tactic in a Business sense.

A limited and often short-term plan of action designed to help carry out a strategy.

Now can someone help me to improve this definition? Or can you share some of your linguistic knowledge or observation?.

Certainly! I can help you improve the definition of "tactic" in a business sense. Here's an enhanced version:

"A tactic, in the context of business, refers to a specific and measurable action plan that is implemented for a limited period to effectively execute and support a broader strategic goal or objective. It constitutes a set of deliberate and tactical maneuvers designed to achieve specific results within the overall business strategy."

Now let me explain how I arrived at this improved definition:

1. Start with the basic definition: It's important to begin with the core meaning. A tactic is a plan of action.

2. Specify the scope: In a business context, it's crucial to mention that tactics are used to support strategic goals.

3. Emphasize time frame: Tactics are usually implemented for a finite period or limited duration, distinct from long-term strategies.

4. Highlight measurability: It's essential to note that tactics can be objectively evaluated and their impact on desired outcomes can be assessed.

5. Consider deliberate nature: Tactics involve deliberate maneuvers, indicating that they are purposeful and planned.

By incorporating these observations, the definition becomes more comprehensive and precise, encompassing the key elements of a business tactic.