There is a regression model. E= a+bn. Where E is total earnings of the motion pictyre industry measured in dollars per year and N is the number of tickets sold in December.

Dependent variable:E
R sqaure 08311
F ration 63.96
P value 0.0001
Variable intercept N
parameter estimate 25042000.00 ( intercept)
parameter estimate n = 32.31
Standard error intercept = 20131000.00
Standard error N= 8.54
T-ratio intercept 1.24
T ration n = 3.78
P value intercept 0.2369
pvalue n = 0.0023
How well do movie ticket sales in December explain the level of earnings for the entire year? Statistical evidence to support the answer.
Also, sales of movie tickets in December are expected to be approximately $950000.00. What do you expect the earnings for the year to be?

First, the parameter estimates are for a and b. a is the intercept, b is the coefficient on N. (n and N appear to be used interchangeably).

I would argue the equation does a poor job of predicting total earnings E. The R-Squared is well below a number I would like to see. The b coefficient is significant at the 5% level, but not the 1% level.

To get total earnings, knowing december earnings, you would need to have some notion of average ticket price. (Your equation uses number of tickets sold in december, not dollar-sales in december.)