Form a disjunction from the following two statements and determine if the disjunction is true or false.

Two is an even number.
Two is a prime number.

To form a disjunction, you need to use the logical operator "or" (represented by the symbol "∨"). The disjunction will be true if at least one of the statements is true.

Let's analyze the two statements:
1. "Two is an even number." - This statement is true because two can be divided evenly by two, which is the definition of an even number.
2. "Two is a prime number." - This statement is false because a prime number is defined as a number greater than one that is divisible only by one and itself. Two is divisible by both one and two.

Now, let's form the disjunction using the logical operator "or":
"Two is an even number" ∨ "Two is a prime number"

Since the first statement is true, the overall disjunction is true.

Therefore, the disjunction formed from the given statements is true.