What are the tones in the poems 'I Never Saw a Moor' by Emily Dickinson, and 'Kidnap Poem' by Nikki Giovanni?

What is the tone of a poem and how do i determine it? Thanks


Study these sites, and then tell us what you think is the tone in each of those poems.




So, what if I say that the tone of Dickinson's poem is imaginative and peaceful as she describes the moor and heaven..would that work?


Yes, I think that works. Dickinson also shows a positive attitude toward things and ideas she can't see.

The tone of a poem refers to the attitude or emotional content present in the words and phrases used by the poet. Determining the tone of a poem involves closely examining the language, imagery, and overall atmosphere of the poem.

To determine the tone of a poem, follow these steps:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem multiple times to get a sense of its overall content and message.

2. Analyze the language: Pay attention to the specific words and phrases used by the poet. Look for any words that convey strong emotions, such as anger, joy, sadness, or excitement. Consider whether the poet's language is positive, negative, or neutral.

3. Consider the imagery: Examine the vivid descriptions and sensory details used in the poem. Imagery can provide clues about the poem's tone. For example, vivid and colorful imagery may suggest a more positive and lively tone, while darker and gloomier imagery may indicate a more negative or somber tone.

4. Observe the speaker's voice: Identify the perspective or voice of the speaker in the poem. Consider their attitude, emotions, and intentions. The speaker's voice can greatly influence the tone of the poem.

Applying these steps, let's consider the tones in the poems you mentioned:

"I Never Saw a Moor" by Emily Dickinson: This poem has a calm and introspective tone. The language used by Dickinson is gentle and reflective, emphasizing acceptance and contentment.

"Kidnap Poem" by Nikki Giovanni: In this poem, the tone is assertive, bold, and fearless. Giovanni's language and imagery convey strength and determination.

Remember, poetry can be subjective, and different readers may interpret the tone differently. Therefore, it's essential to support your interpretation with evidence from the poem itself.