Environmental Factors Contribute to Juvenile Crime and Violence. Delbert S. Elliott.

Opposing Viewpoints: Juvenile Crime. Ed. A.E. Sadler. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997.

My paper is asking for the title and citation. Would I include all of the above?

It depends on what guidelines you are using:

MLA: (Broken Link Removed)
Hold your cursor over CITING SOURCES and click on the type of resource you need to cite.

APA: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
Scroll down to the links at the bottom of the page for citing different types of resources.

To provide the title and citation for your paper, you would include the title "Environmental Factors Contribute to Juvenile Crime and Violence" by Delbert S. Elliott. However, the citation format you are using will depend on the style guide specified by your instructor or institution.

For example, in APA style, the citation format typically includes the author's last name and initials, the publication year, the article title, the book editor's name, the book title, the place of publication, and the publisher. The citation in APA style for this source would look like this:

Elliott, D. S. (1997). Environmental factors contribute to juvenile crime and violence. In A. E. Sadler (Ed.), Opposing viewpoints: Juvenile crime (pp. x-x). San Diego: Greenhaven Press.

However, if you are using a different citation style, such as MLA or Chicago, the format may vary slightly. It is important to refer to the appropriate style guide or consult with your instructor to ensure you format the citation correctly.