I need help writing an essay on this-

What role has nationalism played in the life of Russia in the past and present?


I got this information off of google. Should I use it? Is it correct?

Many Russian hate their government, and therefore are not exactly inclined to be extremely nationalistic in the present. As for the past, people loved their country and wanted to do what they could for their motherland. During the World Wars people went out bravely to fight for their country and to protect their families, they felt pride for the country. Now, many Russians are aggressive to new immigrants coming in from Georgia and the surrounding countries. In fact they are quite set against them, which can be partly contributed to their nationalism.


Are you writing about Russia the country, or the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation.

The issue is substantially different for each of those units.

That paragraph above was written by an Ossetian, obviously. They have not been happy in the USSR or Federation ever, as they were forced to join by force. Decide exactly what you are writing on before using this.

I don't know..all they've given me is 'What role has the concept of nationalism played in the life of Russia in the past and present?'


To write an essay on the role of nationalism in Russia's past and present, you will need to gather information from various sources, analyze historical events, and consider recent developments. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this topic:

1. Research the historical background: Start by exploring Russia's history and the significant events that shaped its nationalist sentiments in the past. Look for key periods, such as the Russian Empire, revolutions (like the 1905 and 1917 revolutions), the Soviet era, and the post-Soviet years. Understand how nationalism evolved during each period and its impact on Russia's political, social, and cultural life.

2. Analyze the Soviet years: Examine the role of nationalism during the Soviet era when the state promoted a sense of Russian identity within the framework of the USSR. Consider how Soviet nationalism influenced policies, interactions with other Soviet republics, and the formation of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR.

3. Study the post-Soviet era: Investigate the rise of nationalism in Russia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Look at the nationalist movements, such as the rise of Russian ethnonationalist groups, their influence on politics and society, and the impact on Russia's foreign policy.

4. Consider current trends: Analyze the contemporary context of nationalism in Russia. Explore current nationalist movements, their goals, and their influence on domestic and foreign policy decision-making. Look for examples like the annexation of Crimea, the conflict in Ukraine, or tensions between ethnic groups within Russia.

5. Use a comparative approach: Compare Russia's nationalism with that of other countries or regions. Consider similarities and differences, such as the role of nationalism in European countries, the impact of global events on nationalist sentiments, or the rise of populist or far-right movements in other parts of the world.

6. Structure your essay: Once you have gathered sufficient information, structure your essay by clearly defining key terms, providing historical context, and presenting your findings in a logical manner. Use an introduction to state your thesis, body paragraphs to present evidence and analysis, and a conclusion to summarize your findings and offer insights into the significance of nationalism in Russia's past and present.

Remember to support your arguments with credible sources, such as scholarly articles, historical texts, and reliable news outlets. Also, critically evaluate the sources for biases or differing opinions to present a well-rounded analysis. Good luck with your essay!