Which of these cities is not located about 55 degrees N latitude and has the largest population?

Tbilisi, Georgia
Minsk, Belarus
Kiev and Odessa, Ukraine


You can use this site to find the latitude of each of these cities.


Then Google the cities adding population after the name of the city.

Is it Tbilisi, Georgia?




To determine which city is not located about 55 degrees N latitude and has the largest population among Tbilisi, Georgia; Minsk, Belarus; Kiev and Odessa, Ukraine, you can follow these steps:

1. Obtain the latitude coordinates of each city:
- Tbilisi, Georgia: Approximately 41 degrees N latitude.
- Minsk, Belarus: Approximately 53 degrees N latitude.
- Kiev and Odessa, Ukraine: Both are located close to 50 degrees N latitude.

2. Identify the city that is not located at about 55 degrees N latitude:
- Based on the latitude coordinates provided, Tbilisi, Georgia is the city that is not located at about 55 degrees N latitude.

3. Determine the city with the largest population:
- To determine the city with the largest population, you can look up the population statistics for each city. This data can typically be found through reliable sources such as census data or official government websites.

Therefore, Tbilisi, Georgia is the city that is not located about 55 degrees N latitude, but to find the city with the largest population, you will need to refer to population statistics from reliable sources.