How many ways are there for 5 mice to live in 2 houses ?. I don't understand this question . please help me.

try it like this

House 1---4 mice house 2--1 mouse
House 1--3 mice house 2 2 mice
house1--2 mice house 2 3 mice
house 1 1 mouse house 2 4 mice

thank you so much

there are 6 ways

House 1--5 mice house 2--0 mouse
House 1--4 mice house 2--1 mouse
House 1--3 mice house 2--2 mice
house 1--2 mice house 2--3 mice
house 1--1 mice house 2--4 mice
house 1--0 mice house 2--5 mice

The question is asking how many ways there are for 5 mice to distribute themselves between 2 houses.

To solve this, we can use the concept of combinations.

Let's consider the first house. Each mouse has two choices: either to go to the first house or to the second house. Since there are 5 mice in total, there are 2 options for the first mouse, 2 options for the second mouse, and so on.

To find the total number of ways, we need to multiply the options for each mouse together.
So, in this case, we have:
2 options for the first mouse * 2 options for the second mouse * 2 options for the third mouse * 2 options for the fourth mouse * 2 options for the fifth mouse = (2^5) = 32.

Therefore, there are 32 different ways for 5 mice to live in 2 houses.