Use the distributive property of multiplication over addition to rewrite the sum as a product of two factors, where one of the factors is a sum.

20^a^2 - 16a - 8

frick no answers

huh and its been 11 years

To rewrite the given expression using the distributive property of multiplication over addition, we need to find two factors where one of the factors is a sum.

The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, the equation a * (b + c) is equal to (a * b) + (a * c).

Let's begin by factoring out the common factor from the first two terms, 20^a^2 and -16a. The common factor is 4a, so we can rewrite those two terms as:

4a * 5^a^2 - 4a * 4

Now let's rewrite the expression as the sum of these two terms and the remaining term, -8:

(4a * 5^a^2 - 4a * 4) - 8

Next, we can apply the distributive property to both terms inside the parentheses:

(4a * 5^a^2) + (4a * -4) - 8

Simplifying further, we have:

20a * 5^a^2 - 16a - 8

Thus, we have rewritten the given sum as a product of two factors, where one of the factors is a sum. The expression is 20a * 5^a^2 - 16a - 8.