


your final answer should be 3, let me know it this makes sense!

To simplify the expression -[-7-2]+2*[1-4], we follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS):

1. Start by simplifying inside the parentheses: [-7-2] becomes -[-9].
-[-9] becomes 9 since a negative number multiplied by a negative number is positive. Therefore, the expression becomes 9+2*[1-4].

2. Next, simplify inside the second set of parentheses: [1-4] becomes -3.
The expression now becomes 9+2*(-3).

3. Continue by performing the multiplication: 2*(-3) equals -6.
The expression simplifies further to 9+(-6).

4. Finally, add the numbers together: 9+(-6) equals 3.

So, the answer to -[-7-2]+2*[1-4] is 3.