DID I do this right?

A homeowner wanted to improve the value of his home by putting tile flooring in three of his rooms. He researched the different types of tile and decided on two types: ceramic tile and decorative tile.
He found that he could purchase the ceramic tile for $5.00 per square foot installed and the decorative tile would be $6.00 per square foot installed.
Use this information to answer the following questions.

Write an expression that would represent the cost of ceramic tile (use ¡°c¡± to represent the ceramic tile)

C=$5.00s^2, or c=$5.00(L¡ÁW)¡­depending on whether the room is a square or rectangle

Write an expression that would represent the cost of the decorative tile (use ¡°d¡± to represent the decorative tile)

d=$6.00s^2, or d=$6.00 (L¡ÁW)¡­
Depending on whether the room is a rectangle or square

The homeowner is planning to spend no more than $6,000 for the flooring. Write an inequality that demonstrates how much money he is willing to spend for the two types of tile.

He decides to tile Room 1 and Room 2 with ceramic tile only. The dimensions of Room 1 are 30 feet by 30 feet and the dimensions of Room 2 are 10 feet by 12 feet. Write an expression that would represent the total cost of the two rooms and find the solution.

Room 1: First I calculate total square feet by figuring out the area¡­ A=s^2¡­30¡Á30=900¡¼ft¡½^2

Now I figure out cost by calculating the cost of square footage:
Cost=price per square foot multiplied by the number of square feet.

Solution for room 1 is: $4,500

Room 2: Again, I need to calculate total square feet by finding the
Area...A=L¡ÁW: 10¡Á12=120 square feet

Now, I figure out cost by calculating the cost of square footage:
Cost=price per square foot multiplied by the number of square feet
Solution for room 2 is $600

Now, to find the total cost of the two rooms; I would add the total cost of room1 ($4,500) and the total cost of room 2($600) together:

There is one more room he would like to tile with just decorative tile. Given how much he has spent on the previous two rooms; write an inequality that represents the maximum amount of money he has to spend on the decorative tile.

The owner wants to spend no more than $6,000 on flooring; he has already spent $5,100.

We subtract $5,100 from $6,000 to see how much money he has left to spend on the flooring, or the maximum he has left: $6,000-$5,100=900

An inequality that would represent the maximum amount would be: d ¡Ü to $900

The dimensions of Room 3 are 8 feet by 12 feet. Find the total area of the room and determine, using the inequality from #5, if he has enough money to tile Room 3 with the decorative tile.

I need to calculate total square feet by finding the
Area...A=L¡ÁW: 8¡Á12=96 square feet

Now, I figure out cost by calculating the cost of square footage:

Cost=price per square foot multiplied by the number of square feet.

Therefore, the homeowner has enough money to use the decorative tile for room

Yes, you have done it correctly. You have followed the given instructions and calculations accurately to determine the cost and feasibility of tiling the rooms with ceramic and decorative tiles.