The graph of the cosine function is the same as the graph of the sine function but translated:

a) 90 degrees to the right
b) 90 degrees to the left
c) 180 degrees to the right
d) 180 degrees to the left

I was thinking it could a) and b) but there can only be one answer. Could someone help please? Thanks :)

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the relationship between the cosine and sine functions and how translations affect graphs.

The cosine and sine functions are related through a phase shift. Specifically, the cosine function is the same as the sine function, but with a phase shift of 90 degrees. This means that the graph of the cosine function is obtained by shifting the graph of the sine function to the right by 90 degrees.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a) 90 degrees to the right.

To see this graphically, you can plot the graphs of the sine and cosine functions on a coordinate system. Start with the graph of the sine function, and then shift it 90 degrees to the right to obtain the graph of the cosine function.

Remember, translating a graph involves shifting it horizontally (left or right), vertically (up or down), or both.

Hope this helps!