Who wrote this poem where a boy couldn't write a poem but instead he ended up writing one with all his excuses?

Is this the poem?


The poem you are referring to is called "Excuses" and it was written by Shel Silverstein. If you are looking for the author of a specific poem or literary work, there are a few ways to find the answer.

1. Research online: You can search for the poem's title, lines from the poem, or specific keywords. Use a search engine like Google, and enter the information you have. In this case, searching for "poem about a boy who couldn't write a poem but wrote one with excuses" should lead you to the correct poem and its author.

2. Poetry anthologies or collections: If you have access to a poetry anthology or collection, you can browse through the table of contents or index to find the poet's name. Look for compilations that include the theme or time period that the poem belongs to.

3. Poetry databases or websites: Many online poetry databases or websites allow you to search for poems by title, keyword, or author. Websites like Poetry Foundation, Poets.org, or AllPoetry.com are popular resources to find information about specific poems and poets.

Remember, when searching for a specific poem or poet, it can be helpful to have as much information as possible, such as the poem's title, lines, or any details you can recall.