Give a verbal, visual, numerical, and graphic representation for the idea one and one-sixth.

"one and one-sixth" is the verbal representation.

Visual would be some image. Pies sliced?

Numerical = 1 1/6

In a graph, divide the vertical axis into sixths and have a bar the height of seven of those units.

I dot'n know

what is a verbalrepresentation of a decimal number like 0.65

Verbal representation: "One and one-sixth" is a way to express the number 1 + 1/6.

Visual representation: You can illustrate "one and one-sixth" using a number line. Start at 0 and move one unit (to the right) to reach 1, then move a sixth of a unit farther (to the right) to represent the additional 1/6. This can be shown as a point slightly past the halfway mark between 1 and 2 on the number line.

Numerical representation: "One and one-sixth" can be written as the mixed number 1 1/6 or the improper fraction 7/6.

Graphic representation: One way to graphically represent "one and one-sixth" is by using a rectangular area model. Draw a rectangle divided into six equal parts horizontally. Shade one of the six parts to represent the one-sixth, and leave the other five parts unshaded to represent the whole number one. The shaded part and the unshaded parts together represent "one and one-sixth".