5x + 2y = -1

3x + 7y = 11

I would solve this by multiplying the top equation by 3, and the bottom equation by 5, then subtracting one from the other.

after you multiple the top by 3 and the bottom by 3 you have to either multiple the top by a negative or the bottom so that when adding the x's they cancel out to equal 0. then add the y's and the other numbers. then divide to find y.

heres the first step for starters

5x + 2y = -1 15x + 6y = -3
3x + 7y = 11 15x + 35y = 55

then either change the top or bottom to all negatives and go on from there

To solve this system of equations:

Step 1: Choose one of the equations and isolate one variable in terms of the other. Let's choose the first equation and solve for x:
5x + 2y = -1
Subtract 2y from both sides:
5x = -1 - 2y
Divide both sides by 5:
x = (-1 - 2y) / 5

Step 2: Substitute the expression we obtained for x into the second equation:
3x + 7y = 11
Substitute x with (-1 - 2y) / 5:
3((-1 - 2y) / 5) + 7y = 11
Multiply both sides by 5 to eliminate the fraction:
3(-1 - 2y) + 35y = 55
Distribute the 3:
-3 - 6y + 35y = 55
Combine like terms:
29y - 3 = 55
Add 3 to both sides:
29y = 58
Divide both sides by 29:
y = 2

Step 3: Substitute the value of y back into the expression for x:
x = (-1 - 2(2)) / 5
x = (-1 - 4) / 5
x = -5 / 5
x = -1

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -1 and y = 2.