whats the biggest drawback of the need for large amounts of money to campaign?

Politicians need to concentrate on wooing big conors, including major businesses, in order to get money. When an organization gives a politician a gift, there's an implication that the politician then owes that organization to vote for legislation that will help it.

The biggest drawback of the need for large amounts of money to campaign is the potential for undemocratic influence and unequal representation. When candidates rely heavily on fundraising for their campaigns, there are a few significant consequences:

1. Limited access to the political process: High campaign costs can deter individuals from running for office, particularly those without personal wealth or established networks. This could result in a smaller pool of candidates and limited options for voters.

2. Influence of wealthy donors: Candidates who rely on large donations from wealthy individuals or special interest groups may feel obligated to prioritize their interests over the general public. This can lead to a perception that the political system is skewed in favor of the wealthy, eroding public trust in democratic processes.

3. Imbalance of political power: The ability to raise significant funds can disproportionately favor certain candidates, reinforcing existing power imbalances and making it difficult for newcomers or candidates with limited financial resources to compete. This can hinder the diversity of voices and ideas within politics.

4. Time and resources focus: Candidates have to spend significant time and effort fundraising, diverting their attention from policy development, connecting with constituents, and engaging in meaningful discussions about important issues.

To address this drawback, some countries and jurisdictions have implemented campaign finance reform, such as strict limits on donation amounts, public financing of elections, or restrictions on certain types of contributions. These measures aim to reduce the influence of money and level the playing field for candidates.