Write a proportion that is equivalent to the statement: If 3 gallons of gasoline cost $5.37, then 8 gallons will cost $14.32.


Normally, we do this as ratios.

To write a proportion that is equivalent to the given statement, we need to establish a ratio between the gallons of gasoline and the cost.

Let's assign variables to represent the gallons and the cost.
Let `g` represent the gallons of gasoline, and let `c` represent the cost.

According to the given statement:
If 3 gallons of gasoline cost $5.37, we can represent this as the ratio:

3 gallons / $5.37 = g / c

Since we want to find the cost (`c`) of 8 gallons of gasoline, we can rewrite the proportion with the new information:

3 gallons / $5.37 = 8 gallons / c

Now, to solve for `c`, we can cross multiply.

3 * c = 8 * $5.37

3c = $42.96

Finally, to isolate `c`, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

c = $42.96 / 3

c ≈ $14.32

Therefore, the proportion that is equivalent to the given statement is:

3 gallons / $5.37 = 8 gallons / $14.32