If a salesman is paid a $2,100 commission on the sale of a $35,000 sailboat, what is his commission rate?

2,100 / 35,000 = ?

Convert the decimal to a percent to find the commission rate.

To calculate the commission rate of the salesman, you need to divide the commission amount by the sale amount and then convert the result into a percentage.

The commission rate can be calculated using the following formula:

Commission Rate = (Commission Amount / Sale Amount) * 100

In this case, the commission amount is $2,100 and the sale amount is $35,000. Plugging these values into the formula, we can calculate the commission rate.

Commission Rate = (2,100 / 35,000) * 100

Now, let's solve this equation:

Commission Rate = 0.06 * 100

Commission Rate = 6%

Therefore, the salesperson's commission rate on the sale of the sailboat is 6%.