How do I figure out problems like

52 = p +(-41)?
I tried doing the steps but I got -11, which is wrong.
Can someone walk me through the steps?

52= P-41

SO move P to the other side making it +41.

P= 91

These are my steps:

52 = p + (-41)
52 = p - 41 (same thing)
52(+41) = p - 41 (+ 41)
93 = p

To solve the equation 52 = p +(-41), you need to isolate the variable p. Here's a step-by-step solution:

1. Start with the equation: 52 = p + (-41).
2. The term (-41) is subtracted from p, so you need to reverse it by adding (+41) to both sides of the equation. This gives you: 52 + 41 = p + (-41) + 41.
3. Simplify both sides: 93 = p + 0.
4. Since any number plus zero is just itself, you have: 93 = p.
5. Therefore, p = 93.

So the solution to the equation 52 = p + (-41) is p = 93, not -11.

It seems like you made an error during the calculation. When adding 41 to both sides of the equation, it should result in 93, not -11. Double-check your addition to ensure that you obtain the correct value.