in Scott Russell Sanders short story "the Inheritance of Tools", what is his purpose or purposes?

You may find some ideas here.

In order to determine Scott Russell Sanders' purpose or purposes in his short story "The Inheritance of Tools," we need to closely analyze the text and consider the author's background and context. Here are some steps to consider when evaluating an author's purpose:

1. Read the story: Begin by carefully reading the short story "The Inheritance of Tools." Take note of the major themes, plot points, and the overall message that Sanders is conveying.

2. Research the author: Look into Scott Russell Sanders' background, literary influences, and previous works. This will provide insights into his writing style, recurring themes, and personal beliefs that may inform his purpose.

3. Analyze the themes: Identify and examine the central themes in the story. These themes could be explored through characters, settings, symbols, or conflicts. Consider how these themes support the overall purpose of the story.

4. Consider the emotional impact: Reflect on the emotional response that the story evokes. Does it make the reader contemplate a specific idea, question societal norms, or inspire personal reflection? The emotional impact can offer clues about the author's purpose and intended audience.

5. Evaluate the historical and cultural context: Investigate the historical and cultural context in which the story was written. This can shed light on the author's motivations and the social issues he may be addressing.

6. Review critics' interpretations: Look for literary analyses or critical interpretations of the story. These can provide different perspectives and deepen your understanding of the author's purpose.

By following these steps, you should develop a comprehensive understanding of the story's purpose or purposes, ultimately helping you to answer the question. Keep in mind that different readers may interpret the story differently, so it's important to consider multiple perspectives.