2b/4+b/3=10 solve for b.

If you don't like fractions, then clear them by multiplying each thing by 12. Otherwise, just add fractions with a common denominator like with arithmetic.

what is b

2b/4 + b/3 = 10

you find a common denominator, which is twelve so multiply 2b/4 by 3 and the b/3 by 4, we then get
6b+4b/12 = 10
to get rid of denominator we times both sides by twelve to get
10b = 120
to get rid of b you divide both sides by 10 to get:
b = 12
(don't forget to do opposite operation when moving it to other side) :)


To solve the equation 2b/4 + b/3 = 10 for the variable b, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Get rid of the denominators by finding the least common denominator (LCD) of 4 and 3, which is 12. You can do this by finding the least common multiple (LCM) of 4 and 3.

The LCM of 4 and 3 is 12.

Step 2: Multiply the entire equation by the LCD (12) to clear the fractions.

12 * (2b/4) + 12 * (b/3) = 12 * 10

This simplifies to:

3(2b) + 4(b) = 120

Step 3: Distribute the multiplication.

6b + 4b = 120

Step 4: Combine like terms.

10b = 120

Step 5: Solve for b by dividing both sides of the equation by 10.

b = 120 / 10

b = 12

So, the value of b that solves the equation is 12.