Almost everyone at the Bright Corporation reads a daily newspaper on a regular basis. In fact, altogether te company employs 2,940 people,of whom70% read The Daily News,45% read The Courier and 60% read The inquirer.

One fourth of the employees reads The Daily News and The Courier, and 30% read The Inquirer and The Courier, and 35% read The Daily News and The Inquirer. One tenth of the people read all three newspapers on a regular basis.

a. how many people read only The Daily news?

b. How many people read only The Courier?
c. How many people read on The Inquirer?

d. How many people don't read any newspaper?

I need and answer very soon because I ave to go to sleep.

If you show us what you have done to solve this problem -- and where you've gotten stuck -- I'm sure someone will help you finish it soon.

Almost everyone at the Bright Corporation reads a daily newspaper on a regular basis. In fact, altogether te company employs 2,940 people,of whom70% read The Daily News,45% read The Courier and 60% read The inquirer.

One fourth of the employees reads The Daily News and The Courier, and 30% read The Inquirer and The Courier, and 35% read The Daily News and The Inquirer. One tenth of the people read all three newspapers on a regular basis.

a. how many people read only The Daily news?

b. How many people read only The Courier?
c. How many people read on The Inquirer?

d. How many people don't read any newspaper?

To solve this problem, we can use a Venn diagram to represent the different newspaper reading patterns of the employees at Bright Corporation.

Let's label the three circles in the Venn diagram as A (for the Daily News), B (for the Courier), and C (for the Inquirer). We'll then assign the given percentages to the overlapping areas.

a. To find the number of people who read only the Daily News, we need to subtract the total number of people who read the Daily News and any combination of the other newspapers from the total number of people who read the Daily News.

First, let's calculate the number of people who read the Daily News:
Number of people reading Daily News = 70% of 2,940 = 0.7 * 2,940 = 2,058.

Now, let's subtract the overlapping areas:
Number of people reading Daily News and Courier (A ∩ B) = 1/4 of the employees = 1/4 * 2,940 = 735.
Number of people reading Daily News and Inquirer (A ∩ C) = 35% of the employees = 0.35 * 2,940 = 1,029.

So, the number of people who read only the Daily News is:
2,058 - (735 + 1,029 + 29) = 2,058 - 1,793 = 265.

Therefore, 265 people read only the Daily News.

b. To find the number of people who read only the Courier, we follow a similar process:

Number of people reading the Courier = 45% of 2,940 = 0.45 * 2,940 = 1,323.

Now subtract the overlapping areas:
Number of people reading the Courier and Daily News (B ∩ A) = 1/4 of the employees = 735.
Number of people reading the Courier and Inquirer (B ∩ C) = 30% of the employees = 0.30 * 2,940 = 882.

The number of people who read only the Courier is:
1,323 - (735 + 882 + 29) = 1,323 - 2,646 = -1,323.

Since we can't have a negative number of people, it means that there might be an error in the given information or calculations. Please double-check the numbers provided for these overlapping areas.

c. To find the number of people who read only the Inquirer, we follow a similar process:

Number of people reading the Inquirer = 60% of 2,940 = 0.6 * 2,940 = 1,764.

Now, subtract the overlapping areas:
Number of people reading the Inquirer and Daily News (C ∩ A) = 35% of the employees = 0.35 * 2,940 = 1,029.
Number of people reading the Inquirer and the Courier (C ∩ B) = 30% of the employees = 0.30 * 2,940 = 882.

The number of people who read only the Inquirer is:
1,764 - (1,029 + 882 + 29) = 1,764 - 2,940 = -1,176.

Again, we can't have a negative number of people, so please double-check the numbers provided for these overlapping areas.

d. To find the number of people who don't read any newspaper, we need to subtract the people who read one or more newspapers from the total number of employees:

Number of people who don't read any newspaper = Total employees - (A ∪ B ∪ C) - (A ∩ B ∩ C)

Total employees = 2,940.

To find (A ∪ B ∪ C), we first need to find the total number of people who read at least one newspaper:

Total people who read at least one newspaper = (A ∪ B ∪ C) = (A + B + C) - (A ∩ B) - (B ∩ C) - (A ∩ C) + (A ∩ B ∩ C)

Let's calculate this:

Total people who read at least one newspaper = (70% + 45% + 60%) * 2,940 - (A ∩ B) - (B ∩ C) - (A ∩ C) + 1/10 * 2,940.

Total people who read at least one newspaper = (175.5% * 2,940) - (A ∩ B) - (B ∩ C) - (A ∩ C) + 1/10 * 2,940.

Next, we subtract the number of people who read all three newspapers, (A ∩ B ∩ C) = 1/10 * 2,940.

Number of people who don't read any newspaper = 2,940 - [(175.5% * 2,940) - (B ∩ A) - (B ∩ C) - (C ∩ A) + 1/10 * 2,940].

Again, please make sure to double-check the numbers provided for the overlapping areas to ensure accurate calculations.