assumptions to consider when organizing a graduation pool party

The party will be safe, and security will be there.

Trained lifeguards will be stationed.

Chaperones will be in a ratio of xx:yy to guests.

Someone will supervise people leaving giving them car key (this can be done by security folks).

Admission by invitation only. (No crashers!!)

Parent-signed release for those under age of legal adult.

When organizing a graduation pool party, there are several assumptions that you should consider. These assumptions will help you plan and make decisions that are suitable for the event. Here are a few key assumptions to keep in mind:

1. Venue: Assumptions regarding the venue include factors such as the availability, size, and suitability of the pool area. Ensure that the pool is large enough to accommodate the number of guests you plan to invite.

2. Weather: Assuming that your graduation pool party will be held outdoors, consider the weather conditions for that time of year. Check historical weather data to get an idea of the average weather patterns during that period. However, even with good assumptions, always have a backup plan in case of unexpected weather changes.

3. Safety: Safety should always be a priority when organizing a pool party. Assumptions to consider include having lifeguards on duty, providing life vests or floatation devices, and ensuring that the pool area is well-maintained and free from hazards.

4. Budget: Consider the assumptions related to budget such as the costs of venue rental, decorations, food, beverages, and any additional entertainment or activities you plan to have. Set a budget and make sure you have enough funds to cover all the expenses.

5. Invitations and RSVPs: Assuming that you will be sending out invitations, plan for the number of guests expected to attend. Consider the assumption that not everyone you invite will be able to attend and plan accordingly.

6. Food and Drinks: Assumptions regarding food and drinks include preferences and dietary restrictions of your guests. Consider a variety of options in order to cater to different tastes and ensure that you provide enough food and drinks for the number of guests expected.

7. Entertainment and Activities: Think about what assumptions you can make regarding entertainment and activities that will keep guests engaged. This could include music, games, or other pool-related activities like water volleyball or pool floats.

Remember, while assumptions can guide your planning process, it is important to be flexible and adaptable. Always have contingency plans in place and be prepared to adjust your arrangements based on unforeseen circumstances.