Can you check these and help me translate the bottom ones(Q4&Q5)

1)The Paris city hall is offering signs to cages ad restaurants in the fight against tabacco

La mairie de Paris propose des pancartes de cafes et restaurants de la lutte contre le tabac

2)French people who smoke less than 4 years ago because of the rise in price of cigarettes

Les gens français fument moins qu'il y a 4 ans car l'augmentaion du prix du tabac

3) Those who don't smoke are upset by other people who smoke in public places

Ceux qui ne fume pas sont indispose par les gens autres qui fument dans les lieux publics

4)According to an opinion poll, a majority of Frenh people favour a totale ban on smoking in restaurants


5)Some cafe owners will refuse to display the signs because they think they will lose customers



1. aux cafés et aux restaurants dans la lutte (or le combat)

#2. is not a complete sentence because of the word "who" = qui. l'augmentaion = l'augmentation

#3. Ceux qui ne fume pas sont indispose = Ceux is plural = qui ne fument pas sont bouleversés (more than slightly ill? = indisposés) par les autres gens

#4 = Selon un sondage d'opinion, la plupart des Français (des gens français) favorisent un ban (une in terdicion) total(e)sur le fumer dans les restaurants.

#5. Quelques (Des) propriétaires des cafés refuseront d'exposer les affiches parce qu'ils pensent (croient = believe) qu'ils perdront des clients (de la clientèle)

Sra (aka Mme)

I would put "Ceux qui ne fument pas sont genes (put accent aigus on both "e"") par les autres qui fument . Not necessary to say les autres gens (we assume already it is people) Do not use bouleverses (it is more emotional)

To translate Q4 and Q5, you can follow these steps:

Q4) According to an opinion poll, a majority of French people favor a total ban on smoking in restaurants.

To translate this sentence, you can use an online translation tool or a language learning platform such as Google Translate or Duolingo. Simply copy and paste the sentence into the translator, select the source language (French) and the target language (English), and click the translate button. The translation will be provided for you.

Q5) Some cafe owners will refuse to display the signs because they think they will lose customers.

Similarly, to translate this sentence, you can use the same translation tool or platform. Copy and paste the sentence, select the source language (French) and the target language (English), and click translate to get the translation.

Remember, online translation tools can sometimes provide inaccurate translations, so it's always good to double-check the results with other sources or consult a native speaker if possible.