'One of the special gifts of fiction is its ability to allow us to walk in someone else's shoes and learn through a character's experience. How did the short story Marigolds help you discover something new about yourself, other people, or life? Explain what you discovered and the reasons for your discovery. Be sure to describe how the development of character and theme enhanced what you learned.'

This story helped me discover what it was like for Lizabeth to lose her innocence; She said that after her marigolds incident, she looked beyond herself and into the depths of another person. That was the beginning of compassion, and one can not have both compassion and innocence. The experience of leaving innocence has happend to me as well, but not in the same way, so I can relate to her.

Is this answer alright?


Overall, your answer provides a good understanding of the impact that the short story "Marigolds" had on you and how it helped you discover something new about yourself. However, let's expand on your response to provide a more comprehensive explanation.

In the short story "Marigolds," the main character, Lizabeth, loses her innocence through a significant incident involving the destruction of her neighbor's marigold garden. This event acts as a metaphor for the moment when Lizabeth realizes the harsh realities of the world around her. By delving into Lizabeth's experience, you were able to empathize with her and understand the emotional journey she undergoes.

You mentioned that Lizabeth's loss of innocence led her to develop compassion as she began to see beyond herself and consider the feelings of others. This discovery resonated with you because you have also experienced a shift in perspective that caused you to look outside of yourself. By sharing your own experience, you further establish a personal connection with Lizabeth and the themes explored in the story.

Furthermore, the development of character and theme in the story enhanced your learning experience. Lizabeth's transformation from a carefree child to a more mature and empathetic individual allowed you to reflect on your own personal growth. The theme of the loss of innocence portrayed through Lizabeth's journey serves as a universal reminder that life is not always simple or fair.

To improve your answer, you could consider providing specific examples from the story that depict Lizabeth's transformation. For instance, you could discuss her conflicting emotions before and after the marigold incident, her interactions with other characters, or key dialogues that highlight the theme of innocence and compassion. Adding these details can enrich your response and provide a more in-depth analysis of how the short story affected your understanding of yourself, other people, or life.

Remember that it's important to support your points with evidence from the story and be clear in explaining the reasons for your discoveries. Keep in mind that everyone's interpretation and personal journey with a story may be unique, so feel free to express your own perspective and insights.