Identify the property of whole numbers illustrated in each of the following.

4 • 5 is a whole number

To identify the property of whole numbers illustrated in the expression 4•5, we need to understand the properties of whole numbers.

The property illustrated in the expression 4•5 is the closure property of whole numbers.

The closure property states that if you perform an operation (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) on two whole numbers, the result will always be a whole number.

In this case, when you multiply two whole numbers, 4 and 5, the result is 20, which is also a whole number. Therefore, the closure property is illustrated in the expression 4•5.

To identify the closure property, you can simply perform the indicated operation (multiplication in this case) on the given numbers and check if the result is a whole number. If it is, then the closure property is illustrated.