The ability to communicate feelings is one of the goals of

A. discipline. C. guidance.
B. fostering. D. self-control

You may be right, but I've run into that definition of fostering.

I agree guidance, but it is a lousy question. When I provide guidance to youngsters, it is about my feelings on a topic.

*I've never run into that definition of fostering.

To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what each of the options means and then analyze which one aligns most closely with the goal of communicating feelings:

A. Discipline: Discipline refers to the practice of enforcing rules or order. While discipline may be necessary in certain situations, its primary focus is on teaching obedience and regulating behavior rather than directly addressing the communication of feelings.

B. Fostering: Fostering refers to nurturing or promoting the development of something, such as a relationship or a positive environment. Fostering involves creating a supportive atmosphere that encourages open and honest expression of feelings, making it a potential goal for the ability to communicate feelings.

C. Guidance: Guidance involves providing advice, direction, or support to someone. It can include helping individuals understand and express their emotions effectively, making it another potential goal for communication of feelings.

D. Self-control: Self-control refers to the ability to regulate one's own behavior and emotions. While self-control is important in managing emotions, it primarily focuses on internal regulation rather than the explicit communication of feelings.

Considering the options presented, both fostering (choice B) and guidance (choice C) align closely with the goal of communicating feelings. Both fostering and guidance aim to create an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their emotions and receive support and understanding.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is either B. fostering or C. guidance, depending on the context in which the question is asked.