but why does 120/500 = 0.24 what did u do to it

/ means divide.

I divided 120 by 500.

Try it on your calculator.


To calculate 120 divided by 500 and get the answer as 0.24, you need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Divide 120 by 500.
120 ÷ 500 = 0.24

Here's the explanation for each step:

First, we perform the division operation. The dividend is 120, which is the number being divided, and the divisor is 500, which is the number we are dividing by.

To calculate the division, you can use a calculator or follow the long division method. In this case, using a calculator is simpler.

Step 2: Divide 120 by 500 using a calculator.
120 ÷ 500 = 0.24

When you divide 120 by 500, you get the quotient (answer) as 0.24.

Therefore, the result of 120 divided by 500 is indeed 0.24.