
Write an expression for each of the following. Use n for the unknown number

four less than a number

a number increased by the same number

I am confused, thanks!

n - 4

n + n

No problem! I can help you understand how to write the expressions for these questions.

1. "Four less than a number": To write an expression for this, you can start with the unknown number "n" and subtract 4 from it. So the expression for "four less than a number" would be "n - 4".

2. "A number increased by the same number": In this case, you need to add the unknown number "n" to itself. So the expression for "a number increased by the same number" would be "n + n" or simply "2n".

Remember, when dealing with algebraic expressions, it's important to carefully read the question and identify any mathematical operations (such as addition or subtraction) required to represent the given situation.