What is implied at the end of the novel? Is this truly a happy ending?

Aren't the boys "rescued" back to savage warlike existence? Isn't their childhood left behind?

To determine what is implied at the end of a novel and whether it is a happy ending, you will need to analyze the text and consider the author's intentions and themes throughout the story. Here are a few steps you can take to understand the implications and evaluate the ending:

1. Read and analyze the text: Review the last chapters or pages of the novel carefully. Look for any clues, symbols, or character actions that suggest a particular outcome or message.

2. Consider the character arcs: Reflect on how the main characters' journeys unfolded throughout the story. Assess whether they achieved their goals, underwent personal growth, or resolved conflicts. This can provide insights into their ultimate fates.

3. Identify the author's intentions: Consider the overall themes, messages, or motifs the author has established in the novel. Reflect on how these themes are resolved or reinforced in the ending. This can help you gauge whether the ending aligns with the author's intended message.

4. Evaluate the emotional tone: Assess the emotional tone conveyed in the final scenes. Pay attention to the moods of the characters, the atmosphere, and any dialogue or descriptive language used. This can provide hints about the intended emotional response or the overall feel of the ending.

5. Reflect on your own interpretation: Keep in mind that the interpretation of an ending may vary from reader to reader. Consider your own personal response and emotional connection to the story. Determine whether you feel satisfied or fulfilled by the ending, and whether it aligns with your own definition of a "happy ending."

By following these steps and engaging in critical analysis, you can form a better understanding of what is implied at the end of the novel and evaluate whether it is a happy ending based on your interpretation.