The table below provides a frequency distribution for the winner of the Davis Cup during the period 1977-1994.

Winner of
Davis Cup Frequency
United States 6
Germany 3
Czechoslovakia 1
Australia 3
France 1
Sweden 4

Which measure of center, the mean, the median, or the mode is most appropriate here? Why?

Would I do this just as any set of numbers, the only difference being these have names of countries in front of them?

To solve this Would I do this just as any set of numbers, the only difference being these have names of countries in front of them?

Yes. The mode is probably the most useful term here, as the others are meaningless.

Thank you!

In this case, the most appropriate measure of center would be the mode because the data consists of categorical variables (names of countries) rather than numerical values. The mode represents the value that occurs most frequently in a dataset, so it is applicable when dealing with categories or labels.

To determine the mode in this case, you would identify the country that appears with the highest frequency in the Davis Cup winners' distribution. In this example, the United States and Sweden both have the highest frequency of 6 and 4, respectively. Hence, both the United States and Sweden would be considered modes for the Davis Cup winners' distribution during the period 1977-1994.

So, to find the mode, you would look for the country that appears most frequently in the distribution.