Which of the following was not a radical social movement in the nineteenth century?

A) Utopian socialism
B) Transcendentalism
C) Spiritualism
D) Naturalism

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To determine which of the following was not a radical social movement in the nineteenth century, we need to understand what each movement represents.

A) Utopian socialism: This movement aimed to create utopian or ideal societies that would be free from social inequality and exploitation. Utopian socialists believed in communal living, equal distribution of resources, and cooperative labor.

B) Transcendentalism: This philosophical movement emphasized the importance of individualism, intuition, and the spiritual connection between humans and nature. Transcendentalists believed in self-reliance, non-conformity, and the inherent goodness of humanity.

C) Spiritualism: This movement focused on communication with spirits and the belief in an afterlife. Spiritualists conducted séances and mediums claimed to interact with the spirits of the deceased.

D) Naturalism: This literary and artistic movement emphasized a scientific and realistic approach to the portrayal of human nature and society. Naturalists sought to examine human behavior without moral judgments or idealism, often focusing on the darker aspects of life.

Based on these explanations, the radical social movement that was not part of the nineteenth century is B) Transcendentalism. Transcendentalism was not a movement advocating for significant societal or structural changes like the other options. Instead, it was a philosophical movement centered around individual spirituality and personal growth.