Crafts. Marc took 3 hours (h) to mow a lawn while Angelina took 150 minutes

(min) to mow the same lawn a week earlier. Write the ratio of Marc’s time to
Angelina’s time as a ratio of whole numbers.

To write the ratio of Marc's time to Angelina's time as a ratio of whole numbers, we need to convert their times to the same unit of measurement.

First, let's convert Angelina's time from minutes to hours since Marc's time is already in hours. We know that there are 60 minutes in an hour, so 150 minutes is equal to 150/60 = 2.5 hours.

Now, we can write the ratio as Marc's time to Angelina's time:

Marc's time = 3 hours
Angelina's time = 2.5 hours

The ratio is 3:2.5

However, since we want to express the ratio as a ratio of whole numbers, we need to convert the decimals to whole numbers. We can do this by multiplying both sides of the ratio by a common factor that will eliminate the decimal.

In this case, we can multiply both sides of the ratio by 2 to get:

Marc's time = 3 x 2 = 6 hours
Angelina's time = 2.5 x 2 = 5 hours

Therefore, the ratio of Marc's time to Angelina's time as a ratio of whole numbers is 6:5.