if i don't finish my essay, how many scores will i get?

If you answered the prompt, or partially answered it, from 1 to 12

Marks are given on what is there.

You can practice getting it done. 30 min is a lot of time. The key, however, is to spend a few minutes organizing it (outline), then writing, so that you don't get lost in the middle of the time trying to figure where you are.

One thing I taught students in AP English was to use about 25% of their time planning (writing a general outline) and the rest of the time writing the draft. It works with SAT essays, too.

25% of 30 = 7.5 -- so I'd say if you spend 6 or 7 minutes planning during a 30-minute essay timeframe, you should do fine.

but i only have 25 minutes to write the essay

1/4 of 25 is about 6 minutes on the outline.

To determine how many scores you will receive if you don't finish your essay, you need to consider the specific scoring criteria or grading system used by your teacher or institution. However, I can provide you with some general insights on this.

1. Look for grading criteria: Review any documents or syllabi provided by your teacher to understand how the essay will be evaluated. Check for factors such as content, structure, grammar, and overall completion.

2. Determine the weightage: Identify the weightage or percentage of your essay's overall score. For example, if the essay represents 30% of your total grade, not completing it will likely result in a deduction from that 30%.

3. Consider any penalties: Some instructors may have specific penalties for late or incomplete assignments. Check if there are any guidelines regarding partial work or missed deadlines and how they impact your score.

4. Communicate with your teacher: It is advisable to reach out to your teacher or professor to explain the situation and ask about the potential consequences of not finishing your essay. They can provide the most accurate information about grading policies and how they handle incomplete assignments.

Remember, the exact impact on your score will depend on your teacher's individual policies and the specific circumstances surrounding your assignment. Therefore, it's essential to communicate directly with your teacher for the most accurate assessment.