i have to write an english paper, but its a history-ish paper. The prompt says:"Research the style of fighting and combat from the Ancient Greeks and Romans in comparison with today. Include information about any of the following: training, weaponry, tactics, and psychological effects."

This probably is a dumb question, but are they the same people that I'm supposed to write about?

Although there were minor differences between the combat of the Greeks and Romans, I think you should lump them together for this paper. Of course, point out any significant differences between them, but I doubt if you'll find much different on those topics.

Ok, thank-you very, very much.

You're very, very welcome.

No, the Ancient Greeks and Romans are not the same people, but they are two separate civilizations from ancient history. The prompt is asking you to research and compare the style of fighting and combat between these two civilizations and how it compares to modern times.

To start your research, you can begin by looking for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that discuss Ancient Greek and Roman warfare. Your school or local library is a good place to start, as they might have resources specific to history. You can also use online databases or search engines to find relevant information.

When researching the Ancient Greeks, it's important to study their famous military formations called phalanxes, their training methods, weaponry like the hoplon shield and the sarissa spear, as well as their psychological tactics in battle, like the use of music or inspirational speeches.

For the Romans, you should research their highly organized army structure, the role of discipline and training in their legions, their weapons such as the gladius and pilum, and the psychological effects of their battle strategies, including psychological warfare techniques like the use of fear and intimidation.

To compare these ancient styles of fighting to modern times, you can research contemporary military training, advancements in weaponry and technology, changes in tactics and strategies, and the psychological effects of warfare in present-day conflicts. By comparing the different aspects of fighting and combat in ancient times with the modern era, you can highlight the similarities, differences, and advancements that have occurred over time.

Remember to properly cite your sources and provide a balanced analysis of the topic, presenting evidence and examples to support your arguments.