It dries and withers.

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If the apple is cut, the cut surfaces will turn brown with exposure to the air in a relatively short time.

the apple will be dry..

If you leave an apple out for a long time, several things can happen:

1. Browning: Apples contain an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, which reacts with oxygen in the air when the apple is cut or exposed to the atmosphere. This leads to browning of the flesh due to the oxidation process.

2. Softening: As the apple sits out, it will gradually lose moisture and start to dehydrate. This can cause the apple to become soft and mushy over time.

3. Mold growth: Apples can develop mold if they are left out for an extended period. Mold spores are present in the air, and when they land on the apple's surface, they can begin to grow and spread, causing visible patches of mold.

4. Spoilage: If an apple is left out for too long, it can spoil. This occurs when bacteria or fungi penetrate the skin and break down the fruit's sugars, producing unpleasant odors and flavors.

To observe and understand these changes, you can conduct a small experiment by leaving an apple out at room temperature. You can periodically check on it and document the changes (such as browning, softening, mold growth) over time. This experiment can help you understand the effects of exposure and decay on the apple.