Let's talke about the following topics with your friends.

1. The following is Junsu's diary. Find out Junsu's worries and underline them.

2. Let's arrange what Junsu has to do.

3. Let's talk about what Junsu has to do first with his friends.

4. The following is about Korean cultures which we can advertise/introduce to the world. Think of Korean cultures which we can advertise to all the world, and talk about them with friends.

5. Choose one among Step 1, and then think of how to introduce it to the world.

6. Upload a publicity thing on the Internet with which you can advertise Korea in reality.

(It is about a project. Would you correct errors in the sentences, plese? Thank you for your help.)

#5 is not at all clear.

#6 Upload a publicity site from the Internet with which you can advertise real life in Korea.

Certainly! I'll help you with the corrections and explanations for each of the sentences.

1. The following is Junsu's diary. Find out Junsu's worries and underline them.

- This sentence is grammatically correct and does not require any correction. The instruction is clear: you need to find Junsu's worries in his diary and underline them.

2. Let's arrange what Junsu has to do.

- This sentence is grammatically correct. However, to clarify the meaning, it could be rewritten as "Let's organize Junsu's tasks" or "Let's create a to-do list for Junsu."

3. Let's talk about what Junsu has to do first with his friends.

- This sentence is grammatically correct. It suggests discussing and prioritizing Junsu's tasks with his friends. However, if you're referring to what Junsu needs to do first among his tasks, you could rephrase it to "Let's discuss the tasks and prioritize which one Junsu should do first with his friends."

4. The following is about Korean cultures which we can advertise/introduce to the world. Think of Korean cultures which we can advertise to all the world, and talk about them with friends.

- Here's a corrected version: "The following is about Korean culture that we can advertise/introduce to the world. Let's think of Korean cultures that we can promote globally and discuss them with our friends."

5. Choose one among Step 1, and then think of how to introduce it to the world.

- This sentence is grammatically correct and does not require any corrections. The instruction here is to select one of the options from Step 1 and then brainstorm ideas on how to introduce it to the world.

6. Upload a publicity thing on the Internet with which you can advertise Korea in reality.

- This sentence could be improved for clarity. Here's a revised version: "Upload a promotional content on the Internet to advertise Korea effectively." This sentence suggests uploading promotional material online to market Korea to a broader audience.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with.