i have a question on my son homework

explain why 36/9 is not a number sentence.

Your fraction isn't a complete number sentence.

To make it complete, you'll need to make it an equation.

36/9 = 4



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To determine why 36/9 is not a number sentence, let's first understand what a number sentence is. A number sentence is a mathematical statement that includes numbers, operation symbols, and an equals sign. It expresses a relationship or equation between two quantities.

For example:
- 5 + 2 = 7 is a number sentence because it includes numbers, the addition symbol, and an equals sign.
- 9 x 3 = 27 is also a number sentence because it includes numbers, the multiplication symbol, and an equals sign.

However, 36/9 is not a number sentence because it lacks an appropriate operation symbol. The expression 36/9 represents a division operation, but it doesn't have an equals sign or any other relational operator. It is just a fraction in its simplest form.

To create a number sentence from 36/9, we need to include an equals sign and possibly rewrite the equation in a different format. For instance, we could write it as:

36 ÷ 9 = 4
36 / 9 = 4

By doing so, we have included an equals sign and made a complete number sentence.