how are peole recognised by theit gendre

"College" is not the subject. Nor is it the grade level.

It takes more than gender identification to recognize a person.

Gender includes both the psychological and sociological aspects of the differences between sexes. So gender differences could involve dress, hair styles, makeup, ways of sitting, walking or standing and other factors, depending on the culture.

(It would be helpful if you were a little more careful in avoiding typos. Sometimes they change the meaning of your communication or make it hard to understand.)

People are often recognized by their gender based on various biological and social factors. Gender is a complex social construct that encompasses a range of characteristics and behaviors typically associated with masculinity or femininity. Here are some ways people are recognized by their gender:

1. Biological sex: Many people are assigned a gender at birth based on their physical attributes such as genitalia. This binary classification system categorizes individuals as either male or female. However, it's important to note that gender identity can differ from biological sex.

2. Gender identity: This refers to how individuals perceive themselves and their own gender. Some people identify with the gender assigned to them at birth, while others may identify as a different gender or as non-binary (not exclusively male or female). Gender identity can be influenced by a combination of internal factors, societal norms, and personal experiences.

3. Gender expression: This is how individuals outwardly present their gender to the world through appearance, behavior, and clothing choices. For example, someone who identifies as female may express their gender through traditionally "feminine" clothing and mannerisms.

4. Pronouns: The pronouns people use to refer to themselves (e.g., he, she, they) can provide indicators of their gender identity. Respecting and using the correct pronouns is an essential way to recognize someone's gender identity.

Understanding someone's gender and recognizing them based on it involves open-mindedness, respect, and active communication. It's important to listen to individuals and use the language and terms they prefer to describe themselves. Remember, everybody's gender experience is unique, and it is essential to be supportive and inclusive of people's self-identified gender identities.