142 x n is between 150 and 280

To find the value of 'n' that satisfies the equation 142 x n, we need to determine if there is a value of 'n' that makes the product fall between 150 and 280.

First, let's find the lower bound of 'n' by dividing the lower limit of the product (150) by 142:
n ≥ 150 ÷ 142
n ≥ 1.0563 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Next, let's find the upper bound of 'n' by dividing the upper limit of the product (280) by 142:
n ≤ 280 ÷ 142
n ≤ 1.9718 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Therefore, the value of 'n' that satisfies the equation 142 x n, and falls between 150 and 280, is between 1.0563 and 1.9718