I have to write an essay that compares and contrasts the rhetorical strategies of tone, lexicon, and syntax from two sermons given by the same person.

How do i do this??? Helpp please!!

(the sermons are called "Beauty of the World" and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards.

If you have ever dealt with schizophrenia, your task is easy. A schizophrenic can see love and wrath at the same time.

Google "jonathan edwards schizophrenic"

Academics and religious writers engage in professional schizophrenia to create a mirror, so that they can reveal the mind of God. Surely you have had teachers who seemed that way, and if you search, you can find ministers also. Do you not see the dichotomy of the current crop of "radical" Muslim teachers who preach peace and killing Jews (or Americans)?

Read a few of the results of the google search. Then, do your analysis from the viewpoint of someone either using a mirror, or actually seeing with mirrors..it makes no difference, the result is the same.

Insanity is one just one way to see reality. Some of my physics students for years claimed I was crazy, perhaps they were right.


To compare and contrast the rhetorical strategies of tone, lexicon, and syntax in two sermons given by the same person, you can follow these steps:

1. Read and analyze the sermons: Begin by thoroughly reading and understanding both "Beauty of the World" and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards. Take notes on the main arguments, themes, and the overall tone that Edwards employs.

2. Identify rhetorical strategies: Pay close attention to the rhetorical strategies used, such as tone, lexicon (word choice), and syntax (sentence structure). Tone refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards a subject, while lexicon and syntax help shape the style and impact of the writing.

3. Compare and contrast the tone: Start by comparing the tone of the two sermons. Look for differences in the emotions expressed, the level of urgency, or the overall mood conveyed. For example, "Beauty of the World" may have a more positive and uplifting tone, while "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" may have a more fear-inducing and solemn tone.

4. Analyze the lexicon: Examine the words and phrases used by Edwards in both sermons. Identify any differences in vocabulary or language choices. Evaluate whether Edwards employs different lexicon to appeal to different emotions or to emphasize specific points. Consider the impact these word choices have on the messages conveyed.

5. Evaluate the syntax: Compare the sentence structure and patterns used in the sermons. Identify any variations in sentence length, complexity, or order. Assess how these syntactical choices contribute to the overall effectiveness of the sermons and the way the messages are delivered.

6. Organize your essay: Structure your essay so that you have clear sections or paragraphs for comparing and contrasting the tone, lexicon, and syntax in the two sermons. Start with an introduction that provides context on the sermons and Jonathan Edwards. Develop separate sections discussing the specific rhetorical strategies for each sermon. Conclude with a summary of the similarities and differences you have identified.

7. Support your analysis: Use quotes or examples from the sermons to support your analysis. Select passages that highlight differences in tone, lexicon, or syntax, and explain how they contribute to the overall rhetorical strategies employed by Edwards.

8. Revise and proofread: After completing your essay, revise it for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. Ensure that your analysis is well-supported and that your explanations are clear. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors to make your essay presentable and professional.

Remember, the key to writing a successful essay is to thoroughly analyze the sermons and provide evidence for your comparisons and contrasts. Good luck with your essay!