I need help writting exactly 25 words to describe the relationship between CFCs and the Earth's protective ozone layer.

To describe the relationship between CFCs and the Earth's protective ozone layer in exactly 25 words, you can say: "CFCs released into the atmosphere deplete ozone, damaging the protective layer that shields us from harmful UV radiation."

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the relationship: CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) are human-made chemicals that were widely used in various industrial and consumer applications, such as aerosol propellants and refrigerants. When released into the atmosphere, CFCs can reach the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is located.

2. Understand the impact: CFCs contain chlorine atoms, which are highly reactive and can break down ozone molecules (O3) through a series of chemical reactions. This leads to the depletion of the ozone layer, resulting in the thinning and the formation of the ozone hole.

3. Express the relationship concisely: To write exactly 25 words, you can mention the key points. Mention that CFCs are released into the atmosphere, specify that they deplete the ozone layer, and emphasize the protective role this layer plays against harmful UV radiation.