3. From Which point of view are the following paragraphs written?

A young woman just moved into an apartment. She thought it was a nice neighbor-hood and became delighted when she heard a saxophone. She could not believe her luck--she, too, played the sax. She bolted down the stairs to find the musician. "What a lvoely song," she said. She knew at once that he would be her partner for life.
a. omniscient point of view
b. first-person point of view
c. third-person limited point of view
d. second-person point of view

Is it A?


It's hard to tell from only one paragraph. The entire story would be needed to be truly accurate.

It could be either C or A, depending on the rest of the story, IMHO!!



IMHO = in my humble opinion


I'm inclined to think that that last sentence implies omniscient; a third-person limited narrator could not say what the protagonist knew.

IMHO, of course :-)

So its...A?

Thanks guys


Geepers, I have met a lot of folks here in Texas that claim to know what I think.

The correct answer is c. third-person limited point of view. Here's why:

In this paragraph, the narrator is an external observer who provides information about the thoughts and actions of the young woman. The narrator uses third-person pronouns like "she" and "her." However, the narrator's knowledge is limited to the perspective of the young woman. We can only access the young woman's thoughts and emotions, not those of other characters. This limited perspective indicates that the point of view is third-person limited.

So, the correct option is c. third-person limited point of view.

Ahhhh, Jim, I think you're right.

Yes, A.