The Landis Corporation had 2008 sales of $100 million. The balance sheet items that

vary directly with sales and the profit margin are as follows:

To determine the balance sheet items that vary directly with sales and the profit margin for The Landis Corporation, you will need to understand the concept of variable costs and the profit margin.

Variable costs refer to costs that change in direct proportion to changes in sales volume. These costs include items such as the cost of goods sold (COGS), direct labor costs, and sales commissions. They are directly tied to the level of sales since higher sales generally require higher levels of production and associated costs.

On the other hand, the profit margin is a measure of profitability and represents the percentage of each dollar of sales that is retained as profit. It is calculated by dividing the net profit by the total sales.

To determine the balance sheet items that vary directly with sales and the profit margin, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the profit margin: Divide the net profit by the total sales. For example, if the net profit is $10 million and the total sales are $100 million, the profit margin would be 10% ($10 million / $100 million = 0.10, or 10%).

2. Calculate the variable costs: Multiply the sales by the profit margin. The resulting amount represents the variable costs. Using the previous example, if the total sales are $100 million and the profit margin is 10%, the variable costs would be $10 million ($100 million * 0.10 = $10 million).

3. Identify the balance sheet items affected by variable costs and sales: Some common balance sheet items directly affected by variable costs and sales include inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and working capital. These items are typically impacted by changes in production, sales, and associated costs.

It's important to note that additional factors may influence the balance sheet items of a company, such as interest expenses, taxation, and non-operating income. Consulting the financial statements and notes of The Landis Corporation would provide more specific information about the interplay between sales, variable costs, and the corresponding balance sheet items.