Does blue light or orange light have a larger index of refraction?

Blue light is bent more by a prism than orange light. Does blue light or orange light have a larger index of refraction in glass?

A. Blue
B. Orange

If you know the answer to this, could you also explain why? Looking at a picture of the EM spectrum doesn't seem to be helping me much.

Blue refracts more

Blue light has a larger index of refraction in glass compared to orange light.

The index of refraction is a measure of how much a material (in this case, glass) slows down the speed of light as it passes through. The higher the index of refraction, the more the light is bent or refracted.

In general, different colors of light (wavelengths) tend to have different indices of refraction in a given material. This is due to the fact that different wavelengths of light interact differently with the atoms and molecules in the material.

In the case of glass, the index of refraction decreases as the wavelength of light increases. This means that longer wavelengths, such as orange light, will experience less bending when passing through glass compared to shorter wavelengths, such as blue light. Therefore, blue light has a larger index of refraction in glass compared to orange light.

To determine whether blue light or orange light has a larger index of refraction in glass, we need to understand the concept of index of refraction and how it is related to the bending of light through a prism.

When light enters a different medium, such as glass, it changes direction due to the change in its speed. This phenomenon is known as refraction. The index of refraction (n) quantifies how much a particular medium can bend light. It is a dimensionless quantity that represents the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the medium.

Based on the information given, blue light is bent more than orange light as it passes through a prism. This implies that blue light has a higher index of refraction in glass compared to orange light.

The reason for this difference lies in the wavelength of the light waves. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than orange light. When light passes through a medium, such as glass, it interacts with the atoms or molecules within that medium. This interaction causes the light to slow down and change its direction. The degree to which the light is bent depends on the frequency (which is inversely related to wavelength) of the light and the properties of the medium, specifically its index of refraction.

Because blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency, it interacts more strongly with the atoms or molecules in glass compared to orange light. This interaction results in a greater change in direction as the blue light passes through the glass, giving it a higher index of refraction.

Therefore, in glass, blue light has a larger index of refraction than orange light. The correct answer to your question is A. Blue.