Methods of maintaining peace & unity in bi-national multinational and multiethnic states?

Focus on a common enemy.

Focus on a common goal.

But the devil comes out in the details. Take in the US for instance, the recent devil mongering on "Illegal Immigration". One side radicalized the issue to the great irritation of the other side, in the end, the "fence" has not been built (but most of the money has been spend). What I am thinking, on these issues that split along ethnic lines, compromise is seldom achieved, but more likely, either conflict, or total inaction is likely to result.

Find common goals in which all parties will benefit. I will leave it to you to define specific goals, which will vary depending what groups you are considering.

Maintaining peace and unity in bi-national, multinational, and multiethnic states can be a complex process, but there are several methods and strategies that can contribute to fostering harmony and cooperation among diverse populations. Here are some key approaches:

1. Inclusive Governance: Implementing inclusive and democratic governance structures that actively involve all segments of society in decision-making processes can help ensure diverse perspectives and interests are represented.

2. Equal Rights and Protection: Ensuring equal rights and protections for all individuals, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or religion, is crucial for maintaining peace and unity. This includes guaranteeing non-discrimination, freedom of expression, and access to justice.

3. Minority Rights Protection: Providing special protections and safeguards for minority groups is essential to address historical inequalities and prevent marginalization. This may include affirmative action policies, language rights, and cultural preservation measures.

4. Dialogue and Mediation: Encouraging dialogue and open communication channels between different communities is important for resolving conflicts, addressing grievances, and building understanding. Mediation and conflict resolution mechanisms can help facilitate peaceful negotiations and prevent the escalation of tensions.

5. Education and Awareness: Promoting education that fosters a culture of inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for diversity is key to nurturing peaceful coexistence. Schools and educational institutions should teach unbiased history, promote intercultural understanding, and provide platforms for dialogue and interaction among students from different backgrounds.

6. Economic Development and Equal Opportunities: Creating economic development opportunities and reducing socio-economic disparities can help mitigate tensions and promote social cohesion. Ensuring equitable access to resources, employment, and public services can alleviate grievances and foster a sense of belonging for all communities.

7. Social Integration and Cultural Exchange: Encouraging social integration and cultural exchange initiatives can bridge divides, build trust, and promote mutual understanding among diverse communities. This can involve promoting intercultural events, festivals, and exchanges to celebrate diversity and foster connections.

8. Conflict Prevention and Reconciliation: Investing in early warning systems, conflict prevention strategies, and post-conflict reconciliation processes can help address the root causes of tensions and prevent violent conflicts from arising or re-emerging.

It is important to note that these methods are not exhaustive, and the specific approach to maintaining peace and unity will vary depending on the unique context, history, and dynamics of each bi-national, multinational, or multiethnic state.