What are the adjectives in each of the following:

1. A quarter will not buy very much.

2. Do you need any food for the party?

1. much

2. any


To identify the adjectives in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence and identify any descriptive words that provide information about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives typically answer questions like "what kind?", "which one?", or "how many?".

Now let's apply these steps to the given sentences:

1. "A quarter will not buy very much."
- In this sentence, the adjectives are:
- "A" describes "quarter" as an indefinite article.
- "very" describes "much" as modifying the quantity and degree.

2. "Do you need any food for the party?"
- In this sentence, the adjectives are:
- "any" describes "food" as an indefinite adjective, expressing a lack of restriction.
- "for the party" is a prepositional phrase that provides additional information about the purpose of the food.

Remember, adjectives are used to describe or modify nouns or pronouns. By following these steps, you should be able to identify adjectives in sentences.