how do i figure out 4 root 3

Use your Sci Calculator

i don't have a sci calculator

then you should by one lol

To figure out the value of ∜3 (the fourth root of 3), you can use exponentiation. The fourth root of a number x can be calculated by raising x to the power of 1/4.

In this case, the fourth root of 3 can be calculated as follows:

∜3 = 3^(1/4)

To compute this value, follow these steps:

1. Open a calculator or use a calculator app on your computer or smartphone.
2. Enter the number 3.
3. Find the exponentiation function or the caret (^) symbol on your calculator.
4. Enter (1/4) as the exponent.
5. Press the equal (=) button on your calculator to get the result.

The output will give you the value of the fourth root of 3, which is approximately 1.316074.

So, ∜3 is roughly equal to 1.316074.