What are a couple of examples of multivariable functions used in real life??

What I did for mine (and you know we're in the same class, so don't steal my idea! :P) was I found a graph comparing the thrusts of two rocket engines with the force versus time. Hope this gives you an idea!

i need an idea that i can use for myself!!!!!!

lol thanks tho

Multivariable functions are commonly used in various fields to model real-life phenomena. Here are a couple of examples:

1. Economic Models:
Multivariable functions are frequently used in economics to analyze complex systems involving multiple variables. For instance, a production function that relates the amount of output to inputs such as labor, capital, and technology is a multivariable function. These models help economists understand the relationship between different factors and make predictions or optimize certain outcomes.

To explore real-life economic examples, you can start by studying famous macroeconomic models like the Cobb-Douglas production function, which represents how output is determined by labor and capital inputs.

2. Physics:
Physics extensively employs multivariable functions to describe natural phenomena. In mechanics, the motion of objects is often modeled as a function of time and multiple variables, such as velocity, acceleration, and force. For example, Newton's second law of motion, F = ma, introduces a multivariable function that connects the force applied to an object, its mass, and its resulting acceleration.

Another example arises in electromagnetism when studying electric fields. The electric field generated by a set of charges can be described using a multivariable function, which shows how the electric field strength varies with position and charge distribution.

To gain a deeper understanding of these examples, you can consult relevant textbooks, online resources, or even consider taking courses in economics, physics, or applied mathematics. Additionally, exploring scientific research papers related to these topics can provide real-life applications of multivariable functions.