A spherical tree ornament is to be painted in bright colors. If the ornament has a diameter of 4 cm,

how much paint is needed?

Wouldn't it depend on how well the paint covers area?

The amount of paint you need is the exact same amount of area the ornament has.

The problem tells you that the ornament is a sphere, so the formula for area is

A = &pid2

since we know d=4cm them we have

A = &pi*(4cm)2

Since A = the amount of paint we found the answer 16cm2

In contrast to michael's post, the formula for the surface area of a square is actually

A = 4 (pi)* r^2

Since the diameter is 4, the radius = 2, so

A = 4 (pi) * 4 = 16 (pi) = 16 (3.1416) = ?

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To determine how much paint is needed, we first need to calculate the surface area of the spherical ornament.

The surface area of a sphere can be calculated using the formula: A = 4πr^2, where A is the surface area and r is the radius of the sphere.

In this case, we are given the diameter of the ornament, which is 4 cm. To find the radius, we divide the diameter by 2:

Radius (r) = Diameter / 2 = 4 cm / 2 = 2 cm

Now we can substitute the value of the radius into the surface area formula:

A = 4π(2 cm)^2
A = 4π(4 cm^2)
A = 16π cm^2

Therefore, the surface area of the spherical ornament is 16π square centimeters.

To determine how much paint is needed, we need to know the coverage rate, which represents the amount of surface area that can be covered by a given amount of paint. Let's assume that the coverage rate is 1 square centimeter per milliliter (1 cm^2/mL).

So, the amount of paint needed can be calculated by dividing the surface area of the ornament by the coverage rate:

Amount of paint = Surface area / Coverage rate
Amount of paint = 16π cm^2 / (1 cm^2/mL)

The unit of square centimeters cancels out with square centimeters, leaving us with milliliters (mL). Therefore, the amount of paint needed is 16π mL.

Please note that this is an estimate as it assumes the coverage rate and doesn't take into account any additional layers of paint or any variations due to application techniques.